
NemaTrident is a range of beneficial entomopathogenic nematodes developed for targeted control of key soil-dwelling pests of sports and amenity turf - along with specific tools and agronomic strategies for consistent and effective results. 

NemaTrident F contains Steinernema feltiae - specifically selected for control of leatherjackets under UK conditions 

NemaTrident B contains Heterorhabditis bacteriophora - selected for the control of chafer white grubs

  Which NemaTrident product where?
NemaTrident F S. feltiae is highly active in moist soils and will seek out leatherjackets that have moved deeper in the soil profile in cooler conditions or from later crane fly egg hatch. NemaTrident F is the optimum product for use in spring and autumn UK conditions. 
NemaTrident B H. bacteriophora has been selected to provide high levels of chafer white grub control. NemaTrident B is more effective applied when soil temperatures are above 12⁰C for extended periods of the day, more applicable for summer treatments targeting chafer beetle egg hatch timing.

To enhance the movement of NemaTrident products into the soil and the targeting of larvae at application, it is recommended to always use it in conjunction with NemaSpreader.

NemaSpreader is a biocompatible blend of water retention and spreading agents designed to enhance the effective distribution, survival and efficacy of beneficial nematodes.

Watch the video below to find out how to store and apply NemaTrident and NemaSpreader to get the best results from your treatments:

The unique dual component system ensures maximum dispersal of infective juvenile nematodes within the soil which then go in search of larvae to penetrate and kill.

See the label information for NemaTrident best use and brochure downloads