Turf Advisor - Managing Microdochium - 2024 Autumn update

Microdochium patch (Microdochium nivale) remains the primary threat to turf quality in the UK – resulting in widespread loss of surface quality. 

This season's wet conditions, along with intermittent periods of cool and warm weather, create the perfect storm of high disease pressure and starting to limit turf growth for recovery.

As day length shortens and prolonged periods of overnight leaf wetness increases, so the pressure will continue to build.   

Outbreaks can occur at any time, but are most common, and typically more severe, during the autumn and winter, whenever the weather is relatively mild and moist, particularly where leaves remain wet for a prolonged period of time. 

Syngenta Turf Advisor gives an early warning of local conditions where infection may have occurred in recent days, along with a forecast of what is likely to hit over coming days – in time to support your decisions and take preventative action. 


Find out more about Turf Advisor, or download from the links below


Turf Advisor dashboard set up to tackle Microdochium

Turf Advisor dashboard set up for microdochium season
Turf Advisor dashboard set up for microdochium season

When the risk of microdochium rises in autumn you can set up a profile in your App to select key metrics that will influence disease development. During the profile set up you can drag and drop the metrics into a bespoke order. 

Turf Advisor microdochium model
GreenCast microdochium model

The microdochium model uses a combination of rainfall and temperature to calculate risk of disease development. The risk is ranked from 0 (low) to 4 (High). Compare recent days and forecast with the current two-week average with long term trend.

Turf Advisor leaf wetness screen
Leaf wetness

Wet leaves from dew or rain encourage disease development. A valuable measure to influence ITM actions to improve air flow. Shown as an avergae %. Look out for prolonged hours above 40% leaf wetness. Review recent days and forecasts.

Turf Advisor humidity screen

Humidity is one of the biggest drivers for microdochium and in the UK and Ireland. Low humidity breaks are unusual in autumn and winter. Use the humidity screen to validate disease pressure periods. Compare current days and forecasts with longer term

Turf Advisor rainfall screen

Once irrigation has stopped rainfall is a major driver of leaf wetness and humidity. It will also adversely impact on any chances for fungicide application and turf recovery. Watch recent days and forecast models.

Turf Advisor air temperature screen
Air temperature

Microdochium develops faster at higher temperatures, and will slow down or stop when temps drop below 0-1C. Highest risk is at 4-5C when disease developes but limited or no growth for healthy plant resilience or recovery.

Turf Advisor Growth Potential screen
Growth Potential

Expressed as a % of a turf plant's ability for maximum growth, based on temperature. A useful trend metric to assess plant health and vigour. Be aware other stresses may impact on actual turf growth. 

Turf Advisor Growth Degree Days screen
Growth Degree Days

Used in conjunction with Growth Potential GDD is another good metric for potential plant vigour and natural resilience to microdochium infection. Look at recent 2 week average, and comparison to this season against previous years.

Turf Advisor spray window screen
Spray windows

Use spray windows to identify when you may be able to make preventative applications before periods of high disease risk. Hugely valuable to optimise spray timing. Use the i symbol to identify why issues may occur.

Download the microdochium dashboard cheat sheet

Download a dashboard cheat sheet

Download a copy of the Turf Advisor microdochium management 2024 cheat sheet for to set up your dashboard. Share it with the team and other turf managers

Integrated Turf Management practices to reduce microdochium pressure

Dry leaf surfaces

Reduce shade & improve air flow

Remove thatch

Reduce Poa annua content

Proactive fungicide applications

Find out more on microdochium patch ITM and control options here.

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Download for android from Google Play