Dollar spot State of the Nation survey

Disease Control


State of the Nation survey

We need your help


Dollar spot attacks have increased in frequency and severity over recent seasons, resulting in widespread surface damage.

Finding out where and when disease has hit – and what effect control measures have had – will help to focus initiatives and investment to find sustainable solutions.


Fill out this simple 5-minute survey and you can contribute to building a better picture of dollar spot disease in the UK. If you have not suffered from any dollar spot attack it’s still important we know.   

Early indications from then survey suggest:

  • Raising cutting height and rolling regularly may help
  • Golf courses in the south of England are most at risk
  • Grass species, nutrition and irrigation has little effect

Do you agree? What does your experience tell us?


New tools and technologies are now available to better manage dollar spot disease risks and control.

Turf iron to reduce dollar spot risks

Designing responsible and sustainable ITM solutions demands a better understanding of the pathogen across the country.


Greenkeepers and agronomists who complete the survey can request a copy of the final report to help refine your ITM strategies.