Turf Pest Tracker

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Syngenta Turf Pest Tracker has now completed its objective of compiling reports from greenkeepers, agronomists and turf mangers to identify periods of peak crane fly activity, in order to optimise application timing of Acelepryn and NemaTrident beneficial nematodes.  

With hundreds of reported sightings from across the country over the past four years, it has built an accurate picture of pest activity.

The conclusions of the Pest Tracker data will be compiled into a final comprehensive report and recommendations drawn from the data to help plan future actions.  

Thank you to everyone who has participated in the Pest Tracker annual reporting and contributed to what will be an important resource for use in developing more effective Integrated Turf Management strategies, as well as delivering more consistent and reliable results through optimised application timing.

The Pest Tracker report will be available to download here in time for the 2024 leatherjacket early autumn treatment season.